Monday, September 26, 2011

Montana Child Support Guidelines Financial Affidavit

One of the factors in determining child support is the financial resources available to each parent.  The court or CSED must first determine what these financial resources are.  Does one spouse have a pension? Does each spouse work? What is their income? etc.

In order to find out each parties' financial resources, both parents complete a Child Support Guidelines Financial Affidavit in Montana.  This affidavit must be signed in front of a notary (a notary requires picture identification), swearing that the information in the affidavit is true.  You also need a copy of your pay stub or something showing your income.

All of this information that each parent provides is used to do the child support calculations.  A copy of this affidavit is filed with the court, and a copy of it must be served to the other parent as part of your dissolution or parenting action.

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